SEE Science Center Announces Retirement of Executive Director
After more than 30 years, Douglas Heuser, Co-Founder and Executive Director of SEE Science Center, Inc. has announced he will be stepping down mid-February, 2016. “It will be very difficult in some ways,” said Heuser, “This has been a large part of my life.”
In April, 1984 Heuser wrote and received a NH Department of Health and Human Services starter grant for $40,000. With 4,500 square feet of space in an old mill building donated from noted inventor and entrepreneur Dean Kamen, Heuser and Kamen co-founded Science Enrichment Encounters and Heuser became the first Executive Director.
Since then the hands-on science discovery center they founded has changed its name (to SEE Science Center), and its location (to 200 Bedford Street) but not its Director. Heuser has overseen the Center’s growth from one employee (himself) to 7 full time, 16 part-time, and 4 part-time temporary workers for special projects/exhibitions. Its square footage has grown from 4,500 to 45,000 square feet including special exhibition space.
Heuser said he did not plan to retire: he plans to repurpose. He will spend time with his new-born grandson, and looks forward to being a “grampa-nanny” to his soon-to-be-born identical twin granddaughters. He also plans to volunteer, write, and travel with his wife, Martha Small.