Science on Tap events are informal discussions with local scientists and experts on a particular topic. The public education series began in Manchester in 2013 as a program of the SEE Science Center and has hosted more than 80 discussions with more than 200 unique panelists to date. “It has been great to bring together experts and the public and provide a place where people can learn about important topics informally, without prerequisite, cost or commitment”, said Adele Maurier of the SEE Science Center. “We invite anyone from the community interested in learning to join us.”
2024 – 2025 Season Sponsors

What is a Science Cafe or Pub?
Science Cafes and Pubs are events that encourage people to engage directly with scientists and STEM professionals in an informal setting. They are popular across the globe. To learn more about U.S. events visit sciencecafes.org
Science on Tap is collaborating with Science Cafe New Hampshire. Learn about thier upcoming events in Nashua here.
To spread the word and continue the discussion: Follow the Science on Tap Facebook Page. Use #ScienceOnTapNH on Twitter.
Discussions are held between October and June.

Past Science on Tap discussions
Extinction Here and There
Erin Sigel, PhD. Collection Manager, The Hodgdon Herbarium Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Hampshire
István Mikó PhD. Collection Manager, Department of Biological Science, University of New Hampshire
The Hyper-Local Air We Breathe
Catherine Beahm, SIP Planning Administrator Air Resources Division New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Dr. Jeffrey Underhill, retired chief air quality scientist Department of Environmental Services
Aaron Krycki, MPH, REHS, HHS Environmental Health Supervisor, Manchester Health Department
Triple Threat Hurricanes
Cyrena-Marie Arnold, Director of Product Marketing Atmospheric G2, Meteorologist & Storm Chaser
Dr. Todd Crawford, VP of Weather and Climate at Atmospheric G2
NH Creatures of the Night
Sandra Houghton, Wildlife Diversity Biologist, NH Fish and Game Department
Jace Porter, Founder, Executive Director Global Entomology Coalition
Mark Wilson, Wildlife Photojournalist, author, Owner, Eyes on Owls
How Smart is Our Grid?
Mark Toscano, PE, CEM, Utility Analyst, New Hampshire Department of Energy
Jim Diluca, Manager NH Distribution System, Eversource Energy
Sharing our Cities with Pollinators
Willa Coroka, Project Implementation Specialist NH Audubon
Stacey Scaccia, UNH Extension Master Gardener
Science in the Shadow Eclipse 2024
Emily Roy, Art and Design, Psychology double major, 2024 Plymouth State University
Genevieve Picciano, Applied Meteorology M.S. student, 2024 Plymouth State University
Griffin Spinney, Climate Studies major, 2024, Plymouth State University
Dam it! A look at flooding in NH
Meghan M. Geoffrion, Emergency Management Coordinator, Manchester Fire Department
Jennifer Gilbert, Resilience Project Manager at the NH Department of Environmental Services Coastal Program
AI in NH Here and Now
Carina Clingman, Founder and CEO Recruitomics Consulting
Phil Magnuszewski, Chief Innovation Officer, Infused Innovations
Jim Isaak, IEEE NH Section chair, Chair IEEE Committee on Communications policy, Society for Social Implications of Technology
Engineering for Equitable Health Care
Flo Nicholas, Co-Founder/COO DEI Directive
Lucas Merrow, CEO Mobius Mobility
Anna J. Thomas, MPH, Public Health Director, City of Manchester Health Department
Drew Blais, DEKA Reasarch & Development
Vampires, Zombies & Mummies of the Insect World
Jace Porter, Owner of the New England Mobile Insectarium
Amber Vinchesi-Vahl, Phd. Associate State Specialist in Entomology and Integrated Pest Management at the University of New Hampshire.
The Science of Ice Cream
– a Science Discussion Roadshow event held in partnership with Science Cafe NH
Rita McCabe, Owner & CEO Sub Zero Nitrogen Ice cream & Catering
Christopher Ordway Owner, Hayward’s Ice Cream Stand, Inc.
Look to the Skies
Lourdes B. Avilés Program Coordinator for Meteorology, Physics, and Climate Studies & Professor of Meteorology, Plymouth State University.
Dr. Nicole Gugliucci, Associate Professor, Physics and Astronomy St. Anselm College
Quantum Mechanics & Applications
David Mattingly, Associate Professor Physics & Astronomy, University of New Hampshire
Alexander Smith, Assistant Professor of Physics, St. Anselm College, Adjunct Assistant Professor Dartmouth College
Present & Future of Organ Transplants
Nicholas Rinella, Associate Scientist ARMI, BioFab USA
Your Health & Climate Change
Deborah Gerson, MD, Patologist Catholic Medical Center, Secretary NH Healthcare Workers for Climate Action
Robert Dewy, MD, retired Cardiologist, Vice chair, NH Healthcare workers for Climate Action
Mary-Lemcke-Stampone Ph.D., Associate Professor, UNH, New Hampshire State Climatologist
Solid Waste Management
Amy Farnum, Program Administrator, Sustainable Materials Management at State of New Hampshire
Chaz Newton, Solid Waste & Environmental Programs Manager City of Manchester DPW
Patrick Aliberti, Accounts Manager Aurum Recovery Group
Novel Treatments for Dementia & Mental Illness
Christine B Ambrose, ND, Ambrose Integrative Medicine
Joseph R. Troisi II, PhD, Professor, Behavioral Biology, Department of Psychology, Saint Anselm College
Now What? Science After Death
Caitlyn Hauke, Director of Strategic Planning & Development, Life Forest Cemetery, Hillsborough, NH
Sarah, B. Page, Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer Lambert funeral home
Alaina M. Oropollo, Funeral Director, Embalmer Apprentice and a Cremation Specialist Lambert funeral home
Science of Sleep
Brian Kossak, MD, FAASM Neurology, Sleep Medicine, Southern NH Health
Stacey Fassi, R.P.S.G.T. New England Sleep Center, Catholic Medical Center
Census Data: a closer look
Ken Gallager, Principal Planner, Office of Planning and Development, State of NH.
Zachary Swick, Senior GIS Analyst, Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission
Phil Sletten, Senior Policy Analyst, New Hampshire Fiscal Policy Institute
Staff Only Beyond this Point: Look Behind the scenes at Museums
Shana Hawrylchak, Executive Director, SEE Science Center.
Peter Gustafson, Deputy Director SEE Science Center.
Peter Ford, Former Lead Technical Designer, Museum of Science, Boston
Location, Location, Location: Benefits of better mapping
Ken Bazydola, Product Manager SpotOn GPS Fence
Marc Nutter Conservation Program Director, NH Audubon
Peter A. Leach, M.Sc.,RPA Application Specialist: Archaeology and Forensics, GSSI
Food Analytics: Changing how we eat
Anya Kattef, Supply Chain Planning Manager at Vital Farms
Analena B. Bruce, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Food Systems, UNH
Infrastructure: Building for tomorrow today
Matt Low, Hoyle Tanner & Associates Director of Engineering Operations
Jim Isaak, past chair of the IEEE committee on Communications policy
Carl Eppich, AICP Southern NH Planning Commission
Blood: Thirsting for a new understanding
Bryan Spencer Ph.D. MPH Research Scientist, Red Cross
Doug Vincent Founder & President, Ventriflo
Karalyn Malaby, MT(ASCP)CM, Technical Supervisor-Hematology, Elliot Hospital
Alice Cashin MT(ASCP)CM, Blood Bank Supervisor Quality Coordinator Elliot Hospital
Animal Behavior and Psychology – a virtual discussion in partnership with Science Cafe NH
Dr. Katherine Houpt, James Law Professor Emeritus in the Dept. of Clinical Sciences at Cornell University
Dr. LInda Aronson, professional behaviorist
Dr. Valerie Chalcraft, animal behaviorist
Dr. Leslie Curren of the University of New Hampshire
Evolution of Aviation – a virtual discussion
Keith Ammon, NH distributor, PAL-V
Kyle Clark, Founder, BETA Technologies
More Mud Season – The lengthening vernal window – a virtual discussion
Dr. Alix Contosta, Ph.D. Research Assistant Professor
Earth Systems Research Center Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space University of New Hampshire
Danielle Grogan Research Scientist
Earth Systems Research Center Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans, and Space University of New Hampshire
Internet Analytics and society – a virtual discussion
Jim Isaak, past chair of the IEEE committee on Communications policy
David Humphreys, MFA, Assistant Professor of Communication, School of Arts and Sciences, Southern New Hampshire University
Jeremiah W. Johnson, Ph.D, Assistant Professor Dept. of Applied Engineering & Sciences UNH
Covid-19 Lessons learned & how to reach the end of the pandemic – a virtual discussion
Michael Calderwood, MD, MPH, FIDSA Infectious Diseases physician and the Associate Chief Quality Officer at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
Elizabeth A. Talbot, MD, Infectious Disease and International Health Professor, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, Deputy State Epidemiologist
Preparing to move to space long term – a virtual discussion
Chris Carberry CEO and co-founder of the non-profit organization Explore Mars, Inc.
Dr. Jay C. Buckey, Jr. Professor of Medicine at the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth, former NASA Astronaut
William Edwards, Eagle Cam Project student participant at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Daytona Beach Campus
Digital Security in an increasingly Virtual World – a virtual discussion
Shirley Bhutto. Director of Enterprise Risk Management & Compliance at St. Mary’s Bank.
Gray Chynoweth, CEO of Minim
Kurt Simione is the Vice President of Sales for DAS Health
Humans & Machines, Learning to be Creative Together – a virtual discussion
William P. Seeley, Ph. D. author, artist, Adjunct Lecturer UNH , Manchester University of Southern Maine, and a Visiting Scholar at Boston College.
Faby M. Gagné, Ph.D. Executive Director, SNHU Labs (R&D Unit)
Foad Afshar, Ed.M., Psy.D., LCMHC owner Life By Design
Aysegul Askan, Associate Director of AI Solutions., SNHU Labs (R&D Unit)
The Science and Technology of Brewing – a virtual discussion
Paul Davis, Lead Brewer & Distiller at Stark Stark Brewing Company
Timothy L. Yarrington, instructor at Pennsylvania College of Technology
PJ LaJeunesse, 603 Brewery
Tim Clapper, Concord Craft brewing
Forensics: Finding Answers From the Ancient to Recent Past
Amy Michael PhD. Lecturer in Anthropology, UNH Durham
Trooper Kevin L. Devlin State of New Hampshire Department of Safety, Division of State Police
Advances in Cancer Treatment
Eric R. Henderson, MD Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth
Robotics, AI & Machine Learning
Dirk Van der Merwre currently leads the autonomous robotics group and the control systems group at DEKA Research & Development
The Future of Nuclear Power
Jacopo Buongiorno TEPCO Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the Director of Science and Technology of the Nuclear Reactor Laboratory at MIT
Robert E. Gustafson Asst. Chief of Planning / Radiological Emergency Preparedness State of NH Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management
Urban backyard farming
Emma Erler, Education Center Program Coordinator. UNH Cooperative Extension
Elaina Enzien, Dairy, Livestock & Forage Crops Field Specialist. UNH Cooperative Extension
Ocean Acoustics
Tom Weber Ph.D. & Liz Weidner University of NH Ph.D. candidate Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, Jere A. Chase Ocean Engineering Lab
Ocean Farming
Michael D. Chambers, Ph.D. Aquaculture Specialist / Research Scientist, UNHSchool of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering; NH Sea Grant
Advances & Challenges from Conception to Birth
Christine Ambrose, ND Ambrose Integrative Medicine,
Shawne Sherlock Broderick CNM Dartmouth Hitchcock
Carleigh Nesbit, DO Dartmouth Hitchcock
Science of Mental Health
Daniel Seichepine, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Neuropsychology UNH Manchester
Representatives from the Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester
The tech & implication of crypto currency
Chris Rietmann, Executive Director, Bitcoin Embassy NH
Vin Armani Founder and Chief Technology Officer of CoinText.io
Addressing Climate Change in NH
Jennifer Andrews, Sustainability Project Director. Sustainability Institute University of NH.
George W. Hamilton, Extension Field Specialist, UNH Cooperative Extension – Hillsborough County
Health & Wealth
Heather Taylor RDN, LDN Eat Well & Beyond Manchester NH
Stephen Pimpare Senior Lecturer, Public Service & Nonprofit Leadership; Director, Center for Community Engagement & Experiential Learning; Fellow, Carsey School of Public Policy UNH
Jeremy Lindquist Certified Family Business Specialist Skypeak Financial
Regenerative Medicine: Digging Deeper
Jay Hoying, ASI Life Sciences, Manchester, NH
Derek Morris, United Therapeutics, Manchester, NH
Recycling Solutions
Mike Dufor, Executive Director Northeast Resource Recovery Association
Amy Farnum, Program Specialist, R4- State of New Hampshire, Department of Administrative Services (DAS)
Keegan Smith, Field Sustainability Coordinator Coca Cola of Northern New England
Mark Gomez, Environmental Programs Manager for the City of Manchester
Fred Kfoury III Director of Marketing, Central Paper Products
Molly Gallaher Boddy, Strategy Analyst-Market & Competitive Research, Geneia
Rick Neal, Senior Director of Operations, Coca-Cola of Northern New England
The Future of Mobility
Rebecca E. Ohler Administrator, Technical Services Bureau, NH Dept. of Environmental Services
Grant Reig, the Senior Product Manager, WiTricity Corp
Michael Behrmann, MSELDirector New Hampshire Clean Tech Council
NH’s Energy Future
Elijah Garrison, Solar Design Specialist ReVision Energy
Brianna Brand Program Director, NHSEA
Green Chemistry
John Warner Ph.D. President & CTO Warner Babcock Institute for Green Chemistry, LLC & co-founder of Green Chemistry
Amy Cannon Ph.D. executive director and co-founder Beyond Benign
Winter Farming in NH
Andrew Ogden Sustainable agriculture and food systems UNH Durham
William Dunkerley Dunk’s Mushroom Products & Foraging LLC
Mark Moran Hopewell Farm Newbury, NH
Pain and the Evolution of Treatment
Christine B. Ambrose, ND Ambrose Integrative medicine PLLC
Joseph Ullman, MD CMC Vascular Radiologist
Jason Donnelly, MD Elliot Hospital Pain Management Center
Protecting NH’s Watersheds
John O’Neil Watershed Forester Manchester Water Works
David G. Miller, P.E. Deputy Director, Water Supply, Manchester Water Works
Andrew Stone Executive Director, American Ground Water Trust
Regenerative Medicine
Richard McFarland Chief Regulatory Officer, ARMI
Tom Bollenbach Chief Technology Officer, ARMI
Technology in Manufacturing
Val Zanchuk President of Graphicast Inc. in Jaffrey
Stephen Doroff Principal CD Business Group LLC
Shawn Banker Director of the UNH Instrumentation Center
Gene Edititing
Kyle MacLea, PhD Asst. Professor of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, University of New Hampshire-Manchester
Elizabeth Greguske, PhD Asst. Professor of Biology, St. Anselm College
Ocean Exploration:
Hal Weeks, recently retired as assistant director of UNH’s Shoals Marine Laboratory
Val Schmidt, Research Project Engineer Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center
Michael Koski, Director of Science and Engineering 6-12 Windham School District 2016 E/V Nautilus Expedition team member
Nutrition: the science behind the trends
Heather Taylor, RDN, LDN, licensed dietitian and founder Eat Well and Beyond, LLC
Shauna Lafond, RD, LD, CDE, Clinical Dietitian at the Elliot Center for Diabetes Management & Advanced Nutrition Therapy
Mary Katherine Lockwood, Ph.D. Clinical Associate Professor Biomedical Science, UNH
Drones, UAV’s and flying robots
Nate Miller, lead R&D engineer BirdsEyeView Aerobotic
Chris Georgia, freelance cinematographer, certified commercial drone pilot
Security and Risk Assessment
Jim Ramsay, PhD, MA, CSP, Coordinator, Homeland Security Program University of New Hampshire
Chris Brenton Sr. Director of Security & Corporate IS, Dyn
Philip J. Alexakos, MPH, REHS Chief of Environmental Health and Emergency Preparedness Manchester Health Department
Invasive Species
Douglas Cygan, Invasive Species Coordinator New Hampshire Department of Agriculture
Jeremy DeLisle, Education Center Program Coordinator UNH Cooperative Extension
Bill Zeolie, Owner Bedford Fields Garden Center
Lee Gilman, Owner Lee Gilman & Associates, board certified master arborist.
The Science of wine, beer, mead and spirits
Michael Fairbrother Founder / Head Mead & Cider Maker, Moonlight Meadery Londonderry
Brian Ferguson Owner/Distiller/ Wine Maker Flagg Hill Winery & Distillery Lee
Andy Harthcock Owner/ Distiller Djinn Spirits Nashua
Andre Marcoux Head Distiller Stark Brewing Co. Manchester
These discussions were held at the Foundry Restaurant.
Weather: The technology of predicting the future
Cyrena-Marie Arnold Meteorologist for NH1 News & Director of Product Sciences for Weather Analytics
Lourdes B. Aviles, Ph.D. Professor of Meteorology Plymouth State University
Josh Judge WMUR Meteorologist
Scott Reynolds Meteorologist-in-Charge NOAA/NWS CWSU Nashua NH
The Science of Addiction
John “Geno” Colby, MSW, LADC -Admissions Clinician, Westbridge
Kelly Seichepine, MD -Concord Hospital
Daniel R. Seichepine, Ph.D. -Lecturer of Psychology, Neuropsychology Program UNH Manchester
Planning & Acting for NH Wildlife
John Kanter, Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Supervisor, NH Fish and Game Department
Heidi Holman, Wildlife diversity biologist, NH Fish and Game Department
Haley Andreozzi, Wildlife Outreach Coordinator, UNH Cooperative Extension
Material science: Creating the substances of the future
Debbie Chachra, Ph.D, Associate Professor of Materials Science Olin College of Engineering
Brian Tracey, Plastics Engineer DEKA Research & Development
Andrew Collins, Manager of the Materials Team in R&D group at Velcro Companies
Clean Water Solutions: From NH to the World
Ryan LaRocque, Slingshot systems engineer at DEKA Research and Development
Cheryl Wood, Laboratory Manager and Microbiologist at Manchester Water Works
Deepika Kurup, winner of the 2012 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Award for developing a solar water purification system.
Big Data: Analyzing its role
Jeremiah Johnson Analytics Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Data Science UNH Manchester
Tim Chadwick Principal Engineer, Infrastructure Dyn, Inc.
Rock the Cafe: Explore the geological past of America.
Dr. William Clyde Professor of Geology University of NH.
Dinosaurs Revisited
Kristen Woytonik Historian of Science, Adjunct Instructor at UNH-Manchester.
Mary Nalasko UNH Manchester graduate who conducted research on a recent paleontology expedition
Humans and Space: Is Mars in the future?
Chris Carberry the Executive Director and co-founder of Explore Mars, Inc.
Joe Cassady Aeojet Rocketdyne, Executive Director, Space – DC office
David McDonald, M.Ed. STEM Educator, Belmont High School, NH former Education Director, McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center
These discussions were held at the Shaskeen Pub.
Laser Show! The past, present and future of the technology
Paul Hoff, formerly of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sanders Associates/BAE, TransEtch Manufacturing
Evan Chicklis, formerly of BAE laser division
David Guerra, Professor of Physics at St. Anselm College, NASA-GSFC’s Laboratory for Atmospheres
Gut Check: FMT
Allison Perrotta, Alm Lab at MIT
Dan Blackler, Openbiome, in Medford MA
Bees in NH
Sandra Rehan, Department of Biological Sciences UNH, Head of UNH Bee Lab
Don Kierstead, Resource Conservationist USDA-NRCS
Genetically Modified Organisms: investigating the technologies and concerns
John E. Carroll, professor of environmental conservation in the Department of Natural Resources UNH
Britt Lundgren, Director of Organic and Sustainable Agriculture at Stonyfield Farm
Brain Injury: Discussing the impacts
Daniel Seichepine lecturer at UNH Manchester & clinical neuropsychologist
The intersection of art, science & math from Escher to today.
Leah Fox, Currier Museum of Art Director of Interpretation & Audience Engagement
Marek Bennett, NH based graphic artist and musician
David Brooks, Science Writer for the Nashua Telegraph
Megan Sawyer, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Mathematics, SNHU
Nano: discover science & engineering too small to see
David S. Lashmore Ph.D. Research Professor of Materials Science College of Engineering and Physical Sciences UNH
Dr. Mark Schauer Ph.D. Senior Research Scientist Nanocomp Technologies
Urban Wild life
Research team from UNH Manchester led by Dr. Stephen Pugh and Christine Andrews
Holly Johnson Teacher Program Naturalist for the Amoskeag Fishways
Mark Zankel NH Director, of the Nature Conservancy
Medical Marijuana The Science Behind the Debates
Matt Simon, New England Political Director, Marijuana Policy Project
Joseph Troisi Phd. St. Anselm, Psychology Department, Post-Doctoral Fellow Behavioral Pharmacology
Ted Wright, NH State Representative, Lakes region floaterial district
These discussions were held at the Shaskeen Pub
The Science of Beer
Bruce Elam Trade Brewer for Shipyard Brewing Co.
David Yarrington, Director of Brewing Operations Smuttynose Brewing Co.
Tom Neel Candia Road Brewing
Otto Kuhn, Sr. Brewmaster Anheuser Busch Merrimack Brewery
Is Your House a Hybrid House?
Dana Mosher, Construction Technologies Department Chair Manchester Community College
Jack Schelling, Energy Efficiency Program Administrator PSNH Energy Star Program Manager.
Kate Peters, Program Administrator for the Home Performance Program, PSNH and Chair of the state’s Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Energy Board
Margaret Hagen, Food & Agriculture Field Specialist, University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
Science Steps Up to Help Amputees
Matthew Albuquerque, CPO President of Next Step Bionics & Prosthetics, Inc. Certified Prosthetist / Orthotist
Jason Lalla, CP Certified Prosthetist Next Step Bionics & Prosthetics, Inc.
Tom Doyon, Engineer, DEKA
The War Against Viruses & Bacteria
Patricia Halpin Associate Professor of Biology at UNH Manchester
Tim Soucy Public Health Director for the City of Manchester
Dr. Christine Rosenwasser, a pediatrician from Dartmouth Hitchcock
Growing New Hampshire’s Professional & Personal Projects with 3-D printing
Keith Violette, DEKA engineer,
Paul Hardin from MakeIt labs in Nashua
Dr. Jim DeLeo from Chestnut Family Dental
Is Seeing believing? Psychobiology & Visual Perception
with Prof. John Sparrow UNH Manchester
The Science of the Choclatier
with Richard Tango-Lowy Dancing Lion Chocolates
What’s on the menu? Understanding the labels behind sustainable seafood.
with Jill Swasey, Marine Scientist, MRAG Americas
Erik Chapman, Commercial Fisheries Specialist, New Hampshire Sea Grant
Gabriela Bradt, Commercial Fisheries Specialist, NH Sea Grant
Discussions were held at 900 Degrees Neapolitan Pizzeria and were called “Degrees of Change”
Dec. 19 “Climate change Health and Welfare Impacts: What May Lie Ahead”
Ken Colburn, former Director of the Air Resources Division of the Department of Environmental Services and Executive Director of the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management.
Nov. 21 It’s Not Oil and Water: Blending Climate Change Solutions with Economic Development in New England.
Cameron Wake, Ph.D., a research associate professor with the Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans and Space and the Department of Earth Sciences at UNH.
Oct. 24 “The Changing New Hampshire Environment: Do Shifts In The Climate Matter?”
Steven Hamburg, Chief Scientist of the Environmental Defense Fund and an ecosystem ecologist
Massabesic Audubon Center and Amoskeag Fishways partnered with SEE on these events.