Science on Tap: Evolution of Aviation (recorded video)
This discussion was held and recorded on May 11, 2021 at 7pm via Zoom
Evolution of Aviation
Last year NH became the first state to allow aircraft to travel on highways to reach airports. Innovators are working to create aircraft that will change private flying. Join us to discuss the opportunities and challenges with opening the skies to new types of aircraft. Learn about the future of the aviation industry as a whole and how our community is working towards these new modes of transportation.
Panelists will include:
Keith Ammon, NH distributor, PAL-V
Kyle Clark, Founder, BETA Technologies
This event is being held in partnership with the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire.
Science on Tap events are informal discussions with local scientists and experts on a particular topic. Science on Tap is a monthly adult education program offered by the SEE Science Center, sponsored by Cambridge Trust.