Kickoff to Summer 2024 logo with bowling ball and slinky

Kickoff to Summer with Zach’s Contraptions

Categories: Events

Join us for our 4th Annual “Kickoff to Summer” at SEE June 22 – 28, 2024.

SEE Science Center is excited to host the “World’s Leading Authority” in Chain Reactions/Rube Goldberg Machines®, New Hampshire’s own Zach Umperovitch for this weeklong celebration.

Throughout the week Zach will build a giant Rube Goldberg Machine® across the SEE exhibit floor. The contraption will take form day by day, section by section, with lots of test runs and tinkering. The event will culminate with a final demonstration of the complete machine at the end of the week. Visitors will be able to watch Zach at work and discover techniques used to design and construct these machines. Families will see physics concepts such as mechanical advantage, conservation of energy and momentum at work in new and fun ways. Kids will witness firsthand that trial and failure are essential parts of the engineering process. The Kickoff to Summer celebration will also include special hands-on activities, and raffles all included with admission.


All Kickoff to Summer activities are included with admission and are available throughout the day.
Advanced reservations or tickets are recommended.

If you are 14+ and interested in volunteering at this event you can learn more and sign up here.

Headshot of zach Umperovich

Zach Umperovitch is a three-time Guinness World Record holder, a national Rube Goldberg contest champion and currently serves as the national contest director at the Rube Goldberg Institute for Innovation & Creativity. He serves as on-screen expert, judge, and engineering producer for Contraption Masters on the Discovery Channel. He is also well known for his work for Domino Masters, Google, Red Bull, Disney, ESPN and Sonic the Hedgehog 2. He is the author of Rube Goldberg’s Big Book of Building. You can find his work @ZachsContraptions on YouTube and @zachscontraptions on Instagram.

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