a crowd watches Casey Carle make a bubble

Kickoff to Summer 2021 with BubbleMania!

Thank you for celebrating with us.  After more than a year with limited days open, SEE was glad to kick off 7 day-a-week operations for summer 2021 with Casey Carle’s BubbleMania!  From June 21-25 we had daily BubbleMania! shows, make and take activities and free raffles!  Thank you to everyone who supported us throughout the pandemic and to everyone who celebrated with us.

BubbleMania! is a fun science art and comedy show created and performed by Casey Carle.  Carle is an international bubble artist and performer who mesmerizes audiences with giant floating spheres, bouncing bubbles; balanced columns of bubble foam; cube bubbles; the spinning Bubble Spacecraft, and more!  Carle performs at science centers & children’s museums across the country and at venues across the globe with rave reviews.

Devlin Photography