Hockey, Science and NH a Hat Trick for SEE!
By Tim Forte Social Media Intern
Because of the SEE Science Center’s relationship with the Manchester Monarchs, SEE was able to create an exhibit about the relationship between hockey and science. The exhibit goes over common occurrences in hockey such as slap shots, body checks, and skating and relates them all to science in a fun, interesting way that catches the attention of kids much like all the other exhibits at SEE. The Science of Hockey Exhibit at SEE has science facts relating to hockey such as “Newton’s law” (an object in motion tends to stay in motion), but also has fast facts like how hard can a slap shot be and other various topics. The exhibit also takes the information a step further by pointing out dates that were important to the history of hockey in New Hampshire. An example of one date listed is that of the first American hockey game played in New Hampshire at the St. Paul’s School in Concord. Hobby Baker participated in this game and who now has an award named after him given to the best NCAA hockey player in the country every year. The exhibit bridges the gap of sports and science and is an interesting site for all ages.