Two girls build a model cell.

3-D Cells

Categories: On-Site, Outreach

Grades 5- 8: Students discuss and consider cells and their components through hands-on lab activities.

This program is offered through an exciting partnership with ARMI (Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute) established in Manchester to create an industry to produce replacement organs.  Participants in this program will create their own cell model and learn about the parts and functions of the cell in the lab.


  • This program is available to students in grades 5 – 8.
  • This program is available by appointment only.


Participants are introduced to the importance of cells and the cutting edge science of regenerative medicine and what is happening in the field right here in New Hampshire at ARMI.


This program may have emotional connections for students who have had experiences with organ transplantation.

Field Trip at SEE


  • One hour program with SEE instructor followed by half an hour of explore time in the SEE Science Center.
  • Groups with more than 32 students may want to consider combining their visit with a second program. Call us to discuss options.
Outreach Program
  • SEE instructor comes to your location for a one hour program. Materials will be provided for each student to use during the program.
  • Additional charge of $0.55 per mile roundtrip.
  • Limited to a 30 mile radius of the SEE Science Center.