SEE Executive Director Shana Hawrylchak at NH center for non profits award ceremony

SEE Executive Director Shana Hawrylchak Emerging Leader Impact Award Winner

We are delighted to share that SEE’s Executive Director, Shana Hawrylchak is the winner of the inaugural Emerging Leader Impact Award.  This award celebrates a passionate early or mid-career nonprofit professional whose leadership demonstrates the value and impact of working in the nonprofit sector. She was honored at the New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits 2024 Nonprofit Impact Celebration Tuesday April 16th in Concord, NH.

In the words of her nominator:  “Shana is a remarkable woman, a visionary, mentor, facilitator, and doer.  A nonprofit CEO has to take into account both serving the mission and keeping the organization financially viable and Shana balances these two imperatives calmly and with brilliance.  In addition to her work at SEE, Shana is an active volunteer serving in leadership roles with many Manchester organizations including Manchester Connects and the Greater Manchester Chamber of commerce.  She also instituted and chairs ‘Hands-on Musuems of New Hampshire’.  Shana is a great leader of the SEE Staff  and is known to be clear supportive and inspiring.”

Congratulations Shana!